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For the production of our distillates we choose simple tools,
made to accompany the raw materials to
distilling in the most natural way possible.
We process every fruit in a different way depending on the interpretation we want to give it. We use simple tools that don’t ruin in any way the naturalness of the raw materials. Among these: a fruit-mill that crushes apples and pears into puree and eases the work of the indigenous yeasts, a soft press with rubber rollers for not breaking the stones, and a destoner to remove them from the fruit once we deem it necessary. Essential tools, like our distillates. And if the tool we need does not exist yet, we make it exactly like we desire it.
Studied and realized by the great Müller, our pot stills represent an evolution in the world of artisanal distillation. We have created them thinking exactly about what we needed them for. Like the 150-litre pot still with a particular column made thirty years ago. This column serves to trap and concentrate the low-boiling alcohols (heads) at the start of the second distillation to make sure that there’s no leaks back into the boiler, allowing for a perfect separation of the unwanted substances. Completely original, then, is the distillation system made for the first batch of pomace: a bain-marie distillation without mixing the water and pomace (that mixed together would become a special type of waste) to allow the exhausted pomace to be dispersed directly onto the agricultural fields as organic fertilizer.
The Capovilla Spirits Condensing System is a machine patented by Vittorio in the nineties, designed to obtain an even higher fineness in our distillates during the pre-bottling stage. Despite the heads getting accurately cut during the distillation, the spirit carries with it some “disturbing” components (light alcohols like methanol and cyanide acid) that get condensed and separated due to the temperature difference.
Thanks to the CaSCo System we reach a notable analytic and organoleptic improvement, though with a further small loss of product. An innovative process that aims towards authentic excellence of the distillate and for that reason gets adopted by the most wanted world-class distillers.